Glastonbury Festival Storytellers
(too old to reply)
2004-10-26 12:04:40 UTC
Hi there!

I saw some really good storytellers at the Glastonbury Festival of
Performing Arts in 2003 and got the feeling they were part of a group
of storytellers.

Has anyone here performed at Glastonbury - I'd love to do this but
don't know how to go about it and if there's already an established
Kevin Blackburn
2004-10-26 17:09:43 UTC
Post by hangovermonkey1975
Hi there!
I saw some really good storytellers at the Glastonbury Festival of
Performing Arts in 2003 and got the feeling they were part of a group
of storytellers.
Has anyone here performed at Glastonbury - I'd love to do this but
don't know how to go about it and if there's already an established
Not sure there's many (any?) people left in this newsgroup - however,
two items from the Society for Storytelling e-mail list for Glastonbury
might give you some contacts:

This from 23rd September


Storyteller Sue Jennings is co-ordinating 'Stories and Storytellers'
from in and near Glastonbury to formulate a programme for the
celebrations. Preliminary meeting 4 October 1800-1930 at the Town Hall
in the small hall. Please email your contact/telephone details - and
suggestions if you cannot attend. Especially on the theme of queen
Anne: stories and workshops, new tales and old.
***@hotmail.com, 01458 830 434.
And this 17th October:

Please would you let the people know that 'Stranger than Fiction' duo
Sharon Jacksties and musician Pete Mona are performing 'Apple Time' at
Somerset Museum of Rural Life, Glastonbury on Friday 29th Oct. at 19.00
Traditional storytelling and music programme, celebrating apple harvest,
potatoes and Halloween, that magical time of year when the gates between
this world and the other world are open
This show is for adults, no children under 12. £5
Kevin Blackburn ***@fairbruk.demon.co.uk
The Society for Storytelling website is at http://www.sfs.org.uk
Peter Thomas
2004-11-08 15:42:45 UTC
In message <r6SCJyEXTofBFwg$@fairbruk.demon.co.uk>, Kevin Blackburn
<***@fairbruk.demon.co.uk> writes

Post by Kevin Blackburn
Not sure there's many (any?) people left in this newsgroup
Well, I still look once in a while.
Post by Kevin Blackburn
- however, two items from the Society for Storytelling e-mail list for
http://www.sfs.org.uk duly noted
Peter Thomas
Kevin Blackburn
2004-11-08 19:34:40 UTC
Post by Peter Thomas
Post by Kevin Blackburn
Not sure there's many (any?) people left in this newsgroup
Well, I still look once in a while.
Post by Peter Thomas
Post by Kevin Blackburn
- however, two items from the Society for Storytelling e-mail list
http://www.sfs.org.uk duly noted
Hope you find it helpful - it really ought to get the story diary
sorted, but there you go.
Kevin Blackburn ***@fairbruk.demon.co.uk
The Society for Storytelling website is at http://www.sfs.org.uk
2004-12-20 13:30:21 UTC
Thanks folks!
I will follow up your suggestions!
2004-12-25 20:56:28 UTC
top crust and with a fork, seal the crusts together
then poke holes in top.
Return to oven and bake for 30 minutes, or until pie crust is golden brown.

Sudden Infant Death Soup

SIDS: delicious in winter, comparable to old fashioned Beef and Vegetable Soup.
Its free, you can sell the crib, baby clothes, toys, stroller... and so easy to
procure if such a lucky find is at hand (just pick him up from the crib and
he?s good to go)!

SIDS victim, cleaned
œ cup cooking oil
whole cabbage
fresh green beans
œ stick butter
1 cup cooked pasta (macaroni, shells, etc.)

Remove as much meat as possible, cube, and brown in hot oil.
Add a little water, season, then add the carcass.
Simmer for half an hour keeping the stock thick.
Remove the carcass and add the vegetables slowly to the stock,
so that it remains boiling the whole time.
Cover the pot and simmer till vegetables are tender
(2 hours approximately).
Continue seasoning to taste.
Before serving, add butter and pasta,
serve piping with hot bread and butter.

Offspring Rolls

Similar to Vietnamese style fried rolls, they have lots of meat
(of course this can consist of chicken, beef, pork, or shrimp).
Who can resist this classic appetizer; or light lunch served with
a fresh salad? Versatility is probably this recipe?s greatest virtue,
as one can use the best part of a prime, rare, yearling, or the

Philip Anderson
2004-10-27 20:27:25 UTC
hangovermonkey1975 wrote in message
Post by hangovermonkey1975
Hi there!
I saw some really good storytellers at the Glastonbury Festival of
Performing Arts in 2003 and got the feeling they were part of a group
of storytellers.
Has anyone here performed at Glastonbury - I'd love to do this but
don't know how to go about it and if there's already an established
I know a few people who have done some things at Glastonbury, a group
called Firesprings for instance have performed at the Chalice Well.

This Sunday, there is a story-telling competition for the'Bardic Chair
of the Avalon Marshes' at the Peat Moors Centre not far from
Glastonbury - see
I might go along, maybe even compete.

But then, Halloween is an evening when you can't stir abroad without
seeing a boggart or a witch or a storyteller!

Philip Anderson